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CAN Protocol

Robust and Reliable:The CAN Protocol’s Role in IoT

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In the evolving world of the Internet of Things (IoT), reliable and efficient communication protocols are paramount. One such protocol that stands out for its robustness and reliability is the Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol. Originally designed for automotive applications, CAN has found its way into various IoT applications due to its versatility and efficiency. In this blog, we’ll explore the CAN protocol, its workings, advantages, and why it is becoming a popular choice in IoT systems.

CAN stands for Controller Area Network. Developed by Robert Bosch in 1986, this protocol is a standard for microcontrollers to communicate with each other without a host computer. It is a robust vehicle bus standard, used to communicate within electronic control units. It is a serial communication protocol that uses multi-master distributed control system.  The protocol provides a way for devices to share information and synchronize their actions without the need for a central controller. The protocol uses a collision detection and arbitration method to prevent multiple nodes from transmitting at the same time and ensure that only one node can transmit at a time.

The OSI model consists of seven layers. However, CAN Internal Architecture comprises typically of two layers:

The Physical Layer

The Physical Layer manages the actual transmission of data bits across the communication medium, whether it’s a physical cable or a wireless link. It defines the electrical, mechanical, and procedural aspects of how devices connect and communicate over the medium. This layer specifies details such as voltage levels, signal timing, connectors, and physical topology (e.g., bus, star) to ensure reliable transmission of data between nodes. The physical layer, which defines physical characteristics and specifications, stipulates bit timing—such as bit synchronization/resynchronization and sampling points—and characteristics of transceivers and buses, but it does not standardize the shapes of connectors and cables. As for the physical layer, ISO 11898 and ISO 11519 have both common and different contents.

The Data-link Layer

At the Data Link Layer, the focus is on ensuring reliable data transfer between nodes connected by the physical layer. The data link layer, which is divided into the logical link control (LLC) and medium access control (MAC) sublayers, mainly defines conversion from electrical pulse signals to frames, arbitration during data collision, ACK responses for acknowledgment during data transmission, and detection/notification of various errors. The contents shown below have been standardized commonly in ISO 11898 and ISO 11519. This layer handles error detection and correction mechanisms, such as CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) and bit stuffing, to maintain data integrity. It manages the arbitration process, which determines which node has priority to access the communication medium at any given time. Additionally, the Data Link Layer oversees the acknowledgment of messages to confirm successful transmission and reception, thereby ensuring reliable communication.

The architecture is designed with independent layers, allowing for changes or enhancements to be made in one layer without impacting the others. This approach ensures flexibility and scalability, making the protocol suitable for a wide range of applications across different industries.

There are two types of CAN protocols:

  • High Speed CAN (ISO 11898) (CAN_H)
  • Low Speed CAN (ISO 11519) (CAN_L)

Let us understand these by a comparison chart:

img 2
img 2

In the Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol, messages are transmitted in a structured format known as a frame. Each frame includes fields that detail key message information, such as source and destination addresses, along with the data payload. Messages are transmitted bit-by-bit on the bus, starting with the most significant bit (MSB). Once transmitted, every node on the network receives the message, but only the node with a matching identifier processes it. Each frame consists of the following components:

  • Start of Frame (SOF): It indicates the initialization of a new frame. Its size is 1 bit.
  • Identifier (ID): This specification defines a standard data format that uses an 11-bit to 29-bit unique message identifier for arbitration. This message identifier essentially determines the priority of the data frame.
  • Remote Transmission Request (RTR): It determines the type of the frame. If its value is 0, it is a data frame and it contains data. If its value is 1, it is a remote frame and it requests for data. Its size is 1 bit.
  • Identifier Extension(IDE): A dominant IDE bit signifies an 11-bit standard identifier, while a recessive IDE bit indicates a 29-bit extended identifier. This bit determines whether the ID field is 11-bit (0) or 29-bit (1).
  • Data Length Code (DLC): Indicates the length of the data payload in a data field. Its size is 4 bits.
  • Data: The main message payload, that has a size of 8 bytes.
  • Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC) field: The data frame includes a 15-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC) field to detect corruption during transmission. Before sending the data frame, the sender computes the CRC. The receiver also computes the CRC and compares it with the CRC received from the sender. If the CRC values do not match, the receiver generates an error, serving as a checksum to detect errors in the frame.
  • Acknowledge Slot Field (ACK): In the CAN protocol, acknowledgment of message transmission by the receiver node differs from other protocols where a separate acknowledgment packet is typically sent after receiving all packets. Instead, in CAN protocol, acknowledgment of message reception is integrated within the transmission process itself, eliminating the need for a separate acknowledgment packet.
  • End of Frame (EOF): Identifies the end of the frame and contains 7 consecutive recessive bits.
  • In the CAN protocol, message priority is determined by the message identifier, which can be either 11 bits for standard frames or 29 bits for extended frames. This identifier is set during system design, allowing designers to prioritize messages based on their identifiers. Lower identifier values indicate higher message priority.
  • When a sender intends to transmit a message, it first waits for the CAN bus to become idle. Upon detecting an idle bus, the sender initiates transmission by sending the Start of Frame (SOF) bit, which is dominant. Following the SOF, the sender transmits the message identifier starting from the most significant bit (MSB).
  • During transmission, each node continuously monitors the bus for any dominant bits. If a node detects a dominant bit while it is transmitting a recessive bit (0), it recognizes that it has lost arbitration. In response, the node ceases transmission and waits for the bus to become idle again.
  • Once the bus is idle, the sender retries transmission by repeating the arbitration process. This method ensures that only one node transmits at a time, maintaining the integrity and efficiency of communication on the CAN bus.

Let us understand this through a flowchart:

img 1

Implementing the CAN protocol involves several key steps, from hardware setup to software configuration. Here’s a detailed breakdown of how the CAN protocol is implemented:

Hardware Setup

  • CAN Controller: The CAN controller is the heart of the CAN network. It handles the framing, arbitration, error detection, and other protocol-specific functions. Modern microcontrollers often come with built-in CAN controllers, but standalone CAN controller ICs are also available.
  • CAN Transceiver: The CAN transceiver converts the digital signals from the CAN controller to differential signals used on the CAN bus and vice versa. It ensures robust communication over the two-wire bus by providing the necessary voltage levels and electrical isolation.
  • CAN Bus: The CAN bus typically consists of two wires: CAN_H (high) and CAN_L (low). These wires carry the differential signals. Termination resistors (usually 120 ohms) are placed at both ends of the bus to prevent signal reflections.

Software Configuration

  • CAN Initialization: The first step in software implementation is to initialize the CAN controller. This involves setting the baud rate, configuring the CAN controller’s operating mode, and initializing the CAN transceiver.
  • Message Transmission: To send a message over the CAN bus, you need to construct a CAN frame, which includes the identifier, control field, data field, CRC, and other necessary fields. The constructed frame is then transmitted using the CAN controller.
  • Message Reception: The CAN controller automatically receives messages from the CAN bus and stores them in a receive buffer. The software periodically checks this buffer to process incoming messages.

Error Handling

CAN protocol includes robust error detection and handling mechanisms. The CAN controller automatically detects errors such as bit errors, form errors, and CRC errors, and takes appropriate action, like retransmitting the message.

There are five different error types (which are not mutually exclusive):

  • Bit Error: When a node sends a bit on the bus, it simultaneously monitors the bus to ensure that the bit value being sent matches the bit value on the bus. A Bit Error is detected when there is a discrepancy between the bit value sent and the bit value monitored. However, an exception occurs when a node sends a recessive bit during the stuffed bit-stream of the Arbitration Field or during the ACK Slot; in such cases, a Bit Error is not detected even if a dominant bit is monitored. Additionally, if a transmitter sends a PASSIVE Error Flag and detects a dominant bit, it does not interpret this as a Bit Error.
  • Stuff Error: A Stuff Error is detected when there are six consecutive bits of the same level (either six dominant bits or six recessive bits) in a message field that should use bit stuffing. Bit stuffing is a method used to ensure synchronization and prevent long sequences of identical bits. The error is identified at the bit time of the sixth consecutive equal bit level.
  • CRC Error: The CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Check) sequence is a result of the CRC calculation performed by the transmitter. The receivers also calculate the CRC in the same manner. A CRC Error is detected if the calculated CRC result by the receiver does not match the CRC sequence received from the transmitter. This indicates that the data has been corrupted during transmission.
  • Form Error: A Form Error is detected when a bit field that is expected to have a fixed form contains one or more illegal bits. For example, a receiver will not treat a dominant bit during the last bit of the End of Frame as a Form Error. Fixed-form bit fields have specific patterns, and any deviation from these patterns results in a Form Error.
  • Acknowledgement Error: An Acknowledgement Error occurs when a transmitter fails to detect a dominant bit during the ACK Slot. During the ACK Slot, the transmitter expects to see a dominant bit sent by one of the receivers to acknowledge successful reception of the message. If the transmitter does not detect this dominant bit, it recognizes an Acknowledgement Error, indicating that the message was not properly acknowledged.

Network Management

In a CAN network, nodes can dynamically join or leave the network. Network management involves handling these changes and ensuring that the network remains stable and functional.

Flexibility in Configuration

CAN networks are characterized by their flexibility. Nodes are interconnected via a differential cable terminated with resistors, allowing easy addition or removal of nodes without disrupting network operation. This scalability makes CAN ideal for dynamic environments where nodes may need to join or leave the network seamlessly.

Message-Based Protocol

Unlike traditional address-based protocols, CAN operates on a message-based architecture. Any node can broadcast messages onto the CAN bus, which all other nodes can receive. This broadcast capability simplifies network management and enhances flexibility in data transmission without the constraints of peer-to-peer communication.

Multi-Master Communication

In environments like automotive systems, where safety-critical Electronic Control Units (ECUs) such as powertrains require immediate action, CAN’s multi-master capability shines. Any node can initiate communication, ensuring that critical messages are transmitted and processed promptly, thereby enhancing overall system responsiveness and reliability.

Message Prioritization

CAN protocol employs a unique identifier mechanism to prioritize messages. Lower identifier values indicate higher message priority, allowing manufacturers to designate critical messages that require immediate attention. This prioritization ensures that safety-critical functions are executed swiftly and efficiently.

Built-in CSMA/CA and CSMA/CD Features

CAN integrates Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance (CSMA/CA) and Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) mechanisms. Nodes sense the bus status and transmit data only when the bus is idle, minimizing collisions and ensuring efficient data transmission. In case of data corruption due to collisions, nodes can detect and halt transmission, thereby maintaining data integrity and reducing retransmission overhead.

Error Detection and Fault Confinement

Every CAN node includes self-diagnostic capabilities with Transmit Error Counters (TEC) and Receive Error Counters (REC). These features categorize error states—Active, Passive, or Bus-Off—and isolate faulty nodes without disrupting the entire network. This fault confinement mechanism enhances network reliability by preventing error propagation and ensuring continuous operation.

Speed and Noise Reduction

CAN protocol supports speeds up to 1 Mbps over a maximum bus length of 40 meters. The differential cable used in CAN networks reduces electromagnetic interference (EMI) and crosstalk, ensuring reliable data communication even in noisy industrial environments. This noise immunity is crucial for maintaining signal integrity and system performance.

Additional Powerful Features

Beyond its core functionalities, CAN protocol offers built-in features such as node synchronization, frame integrity checks through CRC mechanisms, and acceptance filtering. These hardware-level capabilities significantly reduce software coding overhead, streamline system design, and enhance overall efficiency in embedded system applications.

Advantages of Using CAN


CAN networks can easily scale by adding more nodes with minimal changes to existing infrastructure, supporting the expansion of IoT applications seamlessly.


Using a two-wire bus system reduces wiring complexity and installation costs. Additionally, CAN transceivers are cost-effective, contributing to overall system affordability.

Power Efficiency

CAN protocol features low power consumption, making it ideal for battery-operated IoT devices. This efficiency extends operational life and reduces energy consumption.


Standardized communication protocols ensure CAN devices from different manufacturers can communicate effectively. This fosters a diverse and competitive market for IoT solutions, promoting innovation and compatibility across systems.


The CAN protocol, originally developed for automotive applications, is integral to modern vehicles. It controls systems such as engine management, transmission control, anti-lock brakes (ABS), and various body electronics.

Industrial Automation

In industrial settings, the CAN protocol facilitates communication between devices to coordinate actions such as motor control, sensor integration, and equipment monitoring, enhancing efficiency and automation capabilities.

Medical Equipment

CAN protocol is utilized in medical equipment to manage functions and transmit critical data between devices. For instance, patient monitoring systems rely on CAN for real-time transmission of vital signs data across various medical instruments.


Within avionics, the CAN protocol plays a crucial role in monitoring and controlling systems like engines, navigation systems, and flight controls. Its reliability and real-time capabilities ensure safe and efficient aircraft operation.

Building Automation

CAN protocol is employed in building automation systems to oversee and regulate HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning), lighting, security systems, and other critical building functions, optimizing energy efficiency and operational management.


In robotics applications, the CAN protocol enables precise control and coordination of systems such as motors, sensors, and actuators. This capability allows robots to communicate effectively and synchronize their actions, enhancing operational efficiency and performance.

  • ECUs (Electronic Control Units): The nodes in the network that communicate with each other.
  • CAN Bus: The communication medium, typically a twisted pair cable.
  • CAN Controller: A component within each ECU that handles the framing and arbitration of messages.
  • Transceiver: Converts the digital signals from the CAN controller to the differential signals required for the bus.

Physical Layer Problems

The physical layer is often the first place to look when troubleshooting CAN networks. Common issues include:

  • Faulty Wiring: Loose connections, broken wires, or poor quality cables can cause communication failures.
  • Incorrect Termination: CAN networks require termination resistors at both ends of the bus to prevent signal reflections. Incorrect or missing terminations can cause data corruption.
  • Electromagnetic Interference (EMI): External electromagnetic fields can disrupt the CAN signals, leading to errors.

Configuration Errors

Configuration problems can also lead to communication issues:

  • Mismatched Bit Rates: All nodes on the CAN network must operate at the same bit rate. Mismatched settings can prevent nodes from communicating.
  • Incorrect CAN IDs: Each ECU must have a unique identifier. Conflicting IDs can cause arbitration issues and message collisions.
  • Software Bugs: Errors in the software handling CAN communication can lead to unexpected behaviour.

Electrical Issues

Electrical issues can significantly impact CAN network performance:

  • Voltage Level Problems: CAN networks typically operate at specific voltage levels. Deviations can cause communication errors.
  • Grounding Issues: Improper grounding can lead to voltage differences between nodes, affecting signal integrity.

Visual Inspection

Start with a thorough visual inspection:

  • Check Connections: Ensure all connectors are properly seated and there are no visible signs of damage.
  • Inspect Cables: Look for signs of wear, cuts, or breaks in the cables.
  • Verify Termination: Confirm that termination resistors are present and correctly placed at both ends of the bus.

Electrical Testing

Use a multimeter to check for electrical issues:

  • Measure Voltage Levels: Verify that the voltage levels on the CAN bus are within the expected range.
  • Check Grounding: Ensure all nodes have a common ground and there are no ground loops.

Bit Rate Verification

Ensure all nodes are configured with the same bit rate:

  • Check CAN Controllers: Use diagnostic tools to verify the bit rate settings on each CAN controller.
  • Adjust if Necessary: Reconfigure nodes with mismatched bit rates to match the network standard.

Network Analysis

Use a CAN bus analyser to monitor network traffic:

  • Capture Frames: Record the data frames being transmitted on the bus.
  • Identify Errors: Look for error frames, which indicate issues with communication.
  • Analyse Traffic: Verify that messages are being transmitted and received correctly.

Software Debugging

If physical and electrical layers are functioning correctly, move to software debugging:

  • Check CAN Stack: Review the implementation of the CAN protocol stack in the software.
  • Test Communication Routines: Use diagnostic software to test the sending and receiving routines.
  • Debug Code: Look for logical errors or incorrect handling of CAN messages.

Consult Documentation

Refer to the documentation for your specific CAN network components:

  • Review Specifications: Ensure all components meet the required specifications.
  • Follow Troubleshooting Guides: Many manufacturers provide detailed troubleshooting guides for their hardware and software.

Seek Expert Assistance

If you’re unable to resolve the issue, consider seeking help from experts:

  • Contact Support: Reach out to the technical support team of your CAN network component providers.
  • Consult Forums: Participate in online forums and communities dedicated to CAN networks for advice and solutions.

Preventive Measures

To minimize future issues, consider implementing these preventive measures:

  • Regular Maintenance: Perform regular inspections and maintenance of the CAN network.
  • Use Quality Components: Invest in high-quality cables, connectors, and termination resistors.
  • Proper Grounding: Ensure all nodes have proper grounding to prevent electrical issues.
  • Software Updates: Keep the software up to date with the latest patches and improvements.

MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport)

Lightweight messaging protocol designed for low-bandwidth, high-latency, or unreliable networks.

Ideal for connecting remote devices with minimal network bandwidth.

CoAP (Constrained Application Protocol)

Designed for use with constrained devices and networks, such as those found in IoT applications.

Uses a client-server model similar to HTTP but is more lightweight.


Widely used protocol for web communication.

Secure (HTTPS) and easily integrates with cloud services and web applications.


Provides full-duplex communication channels over a single TCP connection.

Useful for real-time communication between a server and clients.

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)

A wireless personal area network technology designed for short-range communication.

Low power consumption, making it ideal for battery-powered IoT devices.

One of the most straightforward approaches to integrating CAN with MQTT is through the use of CAN-to-MQTT gateways. These gateways act as bridges between the CAN network and MQTT brokers, translating CAN frames into MQTT messages and vice versa.

CAN Interface

Connects to the CAN network and reads/writes CAN frames.

MQTT Client

Connects to an MQTT broker and publishes/subscribes to MQTT topics.

Data Conversion

Translates CAN frames into MQTT messages and MQTT messages into CAN frames.

Middleware solutions provide a software-based approach to integrating CAN with MQTT. Middleware sits between the CAN network and IoT applications, handling protocol translation, data aggregation, and communication management.

CAN Driver

Software component that interfaces with the CAN network.

MQTT Client

Software component that handles MQTT communication.

Protocol Translator

Converts CAN data into MQTT messages and vice versa.

Communication Manager

Manages data flow between CAN devices and IoT applications.

Embedded IoT Modules

Embedded IoT modules can be integrated directly into CAN devices, enabling them to communicate using MQTT. These modules often include microcontrollers with built-in support for CAN and MQTT, eliminating the need for external gateways or middleware.

Example Embedded Setup

  • Microcontroller with CAN and MQTT Support:
    • Integrates CAN transceiver and MQTT client.
  • Firmware:
    • Implements communication logic for both CAN and MQTT.
  • Direct Communication:
    • CAN device communicates directly with MQTT brokers.

Implementation Example

Here’s a practical example of how to integrate a CAN network with an MQTT broker using a CAN-to-MQTT gateway:

Hardware Setup

Ensure the gateway has internet access to communicate with the MQTT broker

Connect the CAN-to-MQTT gateway to the CAN bus.

Configure the Gateway

Set the CAN bus parameters (e.g., bit rate).

Configure the MQTT client with broker details (e.g., broker address, port, credentials).

Data Mapping

Define the mapping between CAN frames and MQTT topics. For instance, a CAN message with ID 0x100 could be mapped to the MQTT topic can/0x100.

Data Transmission

The gateway reads CAN frames from the bus, converts them to MQTT messages, and publishes them to the MQTT broker.

Similarly, it subscribes to MQTT topics, converts received messages to CAN frames, and writes them to the CAN bus.

Integration of CAN with CoAP

Using CAN-to-CoAP Gateways

One of the most straightforward approaches to integrating CAN with CoAP is through the use of CAN-to-CoAP gateways. These gateways act as bridges between the CAN network and CoAP-enabled devices or platforms, translating CAN frames into CoAP messages and vice versa.

Example Gateway Setup

CAN Interface

Connects to the CAN network and reads/writes CAN frames.

CoAP Client

Connects to CoAP servers and sends/receives CoAP messages.

Data Conversion

Translates CAN frames into CoAP messages and CoAP messages into CAN frames.

Middleware Solutions

Middleware solutions provide a software-based approach to integrating CAN with CoAP. Middleware sits between the CAN network and IoT applications, handling protocol translation, data aggregation, and communication management.

Example Middleware Setup

CAN Driver

Software component that interfaces with the CAN network.

CoAP Client

Software component that handles CoAP communication.

Protocol Translator

Converts CAN data into CoAP messages and vice versa.

Communication Manager

Manages data flow between CAN devices and IoT applications.

Embedded IoT modules can be integrated directly into CAN devices, enabling them to communicate using CoAP. These modules often include microcontrollers with built-in support for CAN and CoAP, eliminating the need for external gateways or middleware.

Microcontroller with CAN and CoAP Support

Integrates CAN transceiver and CoAP client.


Implements communication logic for both CAN and CoAP.

Direct Communication

CAN device communicates directly with CoAP servers.

One of the most straightforward approaches to integrating CAN with HTTP is through the use of CAN-to-HTTP gateways. These gateways act as bridges between the CAN network and web servers, translating CAN frames into HTTP requests and vice versa.

CAN Interface

Connects to the CAN network and reads/writes CAN frames.

HTTP Client

Connects to web servers and sends/receives HTTP requests.

Data Conversion

Translates CAN frames into HTTP requests and HTTP responses into CAN frames.

Middleware solutions provide a software-based approach to integrating CAN with HTTP. Middleware sits between the CAN network and web applications, handling protocol translation, data aggregation, and communication management.

Example Middleware Setup

CAN Driver

Software component that interfaces with the CAN network.

HTTP Client

Software component that handles HTTP communication.

Protocol Translator

Converts CAN data into HTTP requests and vice versa.

Communication Manager

Manages data flow between CAN devices and web applications.

Embedded IoT modules can be integrated directly into CAN devices, enabling them to communicate using HTTP. These modules often include microcontrollers with built-in support for CAN and HTTP, eliminating the need for external gateways or middleware.

Microcontroller with CAN and HTTP Support

Integrates CAN transceiver and HTTP client.


Implements communication logic for both CAN and HTTP.

Direct Communication

CAN device communicates directly with web servers.

Here’s a practical example of how to integrate a CAN network with a web server using a CAN-to-HTTP gateway:

  • Hardware Setup: Connect the CAN-to-HTTP gateway to the CAN bus. Ensure the gateway has network access to communicate with web servers.
  • Configure the Gateway: Set the CAN bus parameters (e.g., bit rate). Configure the HTTP client with server details (e.g., server address, port).
  • Data Mapping: Define the mapping between CAN frames and HTTP endpoints. For instance, a CAN message with ID 0x100 could be mapped to the HTTP endpoint /api/sensors/temperature.
  • Data Transmission: The gateway reads CAN frames from the bus, converts them to HTTP requests, and sends them to the web server.Similarly, it receives HTTP responses, converts them to CAN frames, and writes them to the CAN bus.

Integration of CAN with Web Sockets

One of the most straightforward approaches to integrating CAN with WebSockets is through the use of CAN-to-WebSockets gateways. These gateways act as bridges between the CAN network and WebSocket-enabled devices or platforms, translating CAN frames into WebSocket messages and vice versa.

CAN Interface

Connects to the CAN network and reads/writes CAN frames.

WebSockets Client

Establishes and maintains a WebSocket connection with web servers or clients.

Data Conversion

Translates CAN frames into WebSocket messages and WebSocket messages into CAN frames.

Middleware solutions provide a software-based approach to integrating CAN with WebSockets. Middleware sits between the CAN network and web applications, handling protocol translation, data aggregation, and communication management.

CAN Driver

Software component that interfaces with the CAN network.

WebSockets Client

Software component that handles WebSocket communication.

Protocol Translator

Converts CAN data into WebSocket messages and vice versa.

Communication Manager

Manages data flow between CAN devices and web applications.

Embedded IoT modules can be integrated directly into CAN devices, enabling them to communicate using WebSockets. These modules often include microcontrollers with built-in support for CAN and WebSockets, eliminating the need for external gateways or middleware.

Microcontroller with CAN and WebSockets Support

Integrates CAN transceiver and WebSocket client.


Implements communication logic for both CAN and WebSockets.

Direct Communication

CAN device communicates directly with WebSocket servers.

Hardware Setup

Connect the CAN-to-WebSockets gateway to the CAN bus.

Ensure the gateway has network access to communicate with WebSocket servers.

Configure the Gateway

Set the CAN bus parameters (e.g., bit rate).

Configure the WebSockets client with server details (e.g., server address, port).

Data Mapping

Define the mapping between CAN frames and WebSocket messages. For instance, a CAN message with ID 0x100 could be mapped to a WebSocket message with the JSON payload { “sensor”: “temperature”, “value”: 25 }.

Data Transmission

The gateway reads CAN frames from the bus, converts them to WebSocket messages, and sends them to the WebSocket server.

Similarly, it receives WebSocket messages, converts them to CAN frames, and writes them to the CAN bus.

One of the most common approaches to integrating CAN with Bluetooth is through Bluetooth-to-CAN gateways. These gateways act as intermediaries, translating CAN messages into Bluetooth packets and vice versa.

CAN Interface

Connects to the CAN network and reads/writes CAN messages.

Bluetooth Module

Establishes Bluetooth connections with Bluetooth-enabled devices.

Data Conversion

Translates CAN messages into Bluetooth data packets and Bluetooth data packets into CAN messages.

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) modules can be integrated directly into CAN-enabled devices, allowing them to communicate wirelessly with Bluetooth-enabled devices. BLE offers low power consumption and is suitable for applications requiring energy-efficient wireless connectivity.

CAN Device with BLE Module

Integrates CAN transceiver and Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) module.

Firmware Development

Implements communication logic for both CAN and BLE protocols.

Direct Communication

CAN device communicates directly with Bluetooth-enabled smartphones, tablets, or IoT gateways.

Some microcontrollers and systems-on-chip (SoCs) come with embedded Bluetooth stacks that support both Bluetooth Classic and Bluetooth Low Energy protocols. These integrated solutions simplify the development of Bluetooth-enabled CAN devices by providing ready-made firmware and software libraries.

Here’s a practical example of how to integrate CAN with Bluetooth using a Bluetooth-to-CAN gateway:

Hardware Setup

Connect the Bluetooth-to-CAN gateway to the CAN bus.

Ensure the gateway has power and Bluetooth connectivity.

Configure the Gateway

Set up Bluetooth pairing and configure Bluetooth profiles as needed (e.g., Serial Port Profile (SPP) for Bluetooth Classic).

Data Mapping

Define the mapping between CAN messages and Bluetooth data packets. For example, a CAN message with ID 0x100 could be mapped to a Bluetooth packet containing sensor data.

Data Transmission

The gateway reads CAN messages from the bus, converts them into Bluetooth data packets, and sends them wirelessly to Bluetooth-enabled devices.

Similarly, it receives Bluetooth data packets, converts them into CAN messages, and transmits them onto the CAN bus.

  • Seamless Integration of IoT Ecosystems
  • Scalability and Interoperability
  • Real Time Access, Monitoring, Diagnostics and Control
  • Enhanced Mobility and Flexibility
  • Wireless Connectivity
  • Improved Data Utilization
  • Data Security
  • Protocol Translation
  • Network Reliability

In conclusion, the Controller Area Network (CAN) protocol stands as a robust and reliable choice for IoT applications, owing to its foundational principles of efficiency, scalability, and robust communication capabilities. Originally designed for automotive systems, CAN has evolved into a versatile solution adopted across diverse industries such as industrial automation, medical equipment, avionics, building automation, and robotics. Its structured internal architecture, efficient frame structure, and powerful features like message .prioritization and error detection ensure seamless operation and data integrity in complex IoT environments.

As the Internet of Things continues to expand, requiring dependable communication frameworks, CAN protocol’s adaptability and efficiency make it an ideal choice for integrating smart devices and systems. By leveraging CAN protocol’s strengths in scalability, cost-effectiveness, power efficiency, and interoperability, businesses and developers can confidently build and deploy IoT solutions that meet the demands of today’s interconnected world. As technology advances, CAN protocol continues to evolve, promising continued relevance and impact in shaping the future of IoT-enabled ecosystems worldwide.

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